About the NATF

North American Transmission Forum (NATF) members include investor-owned, state-authorized, municipal, cooperative, U.S. federal, and Canadian provincial utilities. The NATF promotes excellence in the reliability and resiliency of the electric transmission system.

The NATF is built on the principle that the open and candid exchange of information among its members is the key to improving the reliability of the transmission systems in the U.S. and Canada. Members recognize the operation of each member affects the operations of them all.



The NATF’s mission is to promote excellence in the safe, reliable, secure, and resilient operation of the electric transmission system.


The NATF envisions continuously improving electric transmission system reliability, security, and resiliency, while ensuring the safety of utility personnel.

Guiding Principles

These guiding principles give the NATF the ability (environment, expertise, will, and critical mass) to not only identify but proactively address key reliability, resiliency, security, and safety issues.

Members recognize the interconnected electrical grid requires active member collaboration. Working together, members represent an especially agile and impactful community that propels higher levels of reliability, resiliency, security, and safety.
Various confidential programs and venues promote open, candid intra-membership dialogue. NATF and member-specific confidential and other sensitive information is rigorously protected, with external sharing of carefully selected information through established protocols to advance NATF credibility and impact.
Direct, objective performance feedback is delivered as a membership norm. Candid, constructive peer challenge promotes continuous improvement by highlighting and addressing vulnerabilities, risks, and performance shortfalls.
Members’ senior leaders demonstrate ongoing commitment to the NATF’s mission of promoting excellence. Leaders reinforce the member engagement and behaviors needed to foster positive change.


The NATF members advance industry performance by sharing detailed and timely information, including lessons learned and superior practices; providing constructive peer challenge to foster effective and efficient reliability improvement; and ensuring the focus and commitment of our members’ senior leadership.

The NATF leverages technology for speed and efficiency, and teams of subject matter experts (SMEs) can be assembled quickly to respond to member needs and issues.

SMEs interact through a private web portal, Internet meetings, online surveys, and conference calls. Periodic face‐to‐face meetings build working relationships and allow knowledge transfer on key reliability issues. Onsite peer reviews, conducted by teams of up to 25 reliability professionals, offer direct, confidential feedback and constructive opinions.


Our interdependent program areas are focused on improving reliability among our many diverse members:


  • Peer Reviews
  • Assistance
  • Training
  • Practices
  • Reliability Initiatives
  • Knowledge Management (Metrics, Information Sharing)
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