
November 02, 2022

The NATF is commencing the annual revision process for the “NATF Supply Chain Security Criteria” and the “Energy Sector Supply Chain Risk Questionnaire.” The revision process, the criteria, and the questionnaire are posted on the NATF’s public Supply Chain Cyber Security Industry Coordination site. The process is open to industry, suppliers, regulators, and other stakeholders.

Input on the criteria and questionnaire can be submitted to supplychain@natf.net until close of business February 17 for consideration in the 2023 review cycle.

As the criteria and questionnaire are mechanisms to drive convergence on the information needed to conduct supplier risk assessments, it is important that the information you need to conduct risk analyses is included!

As a reminder: The criteria and questionnaire capture supplier information important to the electric sector for conducting risk assessments while keeping the amount of data received to a manageable level. The criteria are also verifiable. They are mapped to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) frameworks; and while NIST does not have a third-party certification or assessment available, the criteria are also mapped to other security frameworks that are certified or assessed by a qualified third-party. Note that while there is not a single security framework that addresses all criteria, including NIST, most can be verified by obtaining a combination of certifications and/or assessments.

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